river meandering through a shallow valley


ID Realm Major Habitat Type Ecoregion
328 Neotropic Tropical and subtropical coastal rivers Northeastern Mata Atlantica
329 Neotropic Tropical and subtropical coastal rivers Paraiba do Sul
330 Neotropic Tropical and subtropical coastal rivers Ribeira de Iguape
331 Neotropic Tropical and subtropical coastal rivers Southeastern Mata Atlantica
332 Neotropic Tropical and subtropical upland rivers Lower Uruguay
333 Neotropic Tropical and subtropical upland rivers Upper Uruguay
334 Neotropic Temperate coastal rivers Laguna dos Patos
335 Neotropic Tropical and subtropical coastal rivers Tramandai - Mampituba
336 Neotropic Xeric freshwaters and endorheic (closed) basins Central Andean Pacific Slopes
337 Neotropic Xeric freshwaters and endorheic (closed) basins Titicaca
338 Neotropic Xeric freshwaters and endorheic (closed) basins Atacama
339 Neotropic Xeric freshwaters and endorheic (closed) basins Mar Chiquita - Salinas Grandes
340 Neotropic Montane freshwaters Cuyan - Desaguadero
341 Neotropic Temperate coastal rivers South Andean Pacific Slopes
342 Neotropic Tropical and subtropical floodplain rivers and wetland complexes Chaco